The war for the future of mammals continues, but mammals themselves are about to lose. Our hero is ready to do whatever it takes to win, and some evil scientists are eager to use him. Tomato Way is a prequel to the original game. Padre (who was known then as Sgt. Malo) tries to survive after the experiment he remembers nothing about. "Dumb cliche for lazy writers", you say? "No, this plot line is as fresh and clean as baby skin" — this is my (I'm the author) answer.
Key elements of the game: the exploration of the vast open map and bosses that you have never seen before. Ugly monsters, deep combat, creepy atmosphere, non-linearity, dark humor — this is the complete package.
-Interesting non-linear level design
-Psychedelic characters
-Revolvers, aura powers and highly functional foot
-Arena mode(no story survival mode )
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